Sunday 1 December 2013

Best Friend Appreciation Post

These are my two best friends in the entire world:

This is my boyfriend, and his name is Trenton. We've been dating for 9 months now, and he knows me better than anyone. He knows how to cheer me up, make me laugh and smile so well. It's impossible for me to stay mad at him. He doesn't look very happy in this picture (he doesn't like taking serious photos... Much to my chagrin), but our relationship is much stronger than photos can show. I love him more than I thought I could love someone, especially at this age. I really really like this photo of us, and I have no idea why. He looks really sad and I look overly enthused, but somehow it makes for a cute photo. To me at least. I tell him everything, and I couldn't live without him, as a boyfriend or best friend. 

This is Kellie. She's my best friend, and has been for 12 years. When I moved to St. James during the summer before grade one, I didn't know anybody when I went to school. She came up to me on the playground on my first day and asked if I wanted to be friends, and we've been best friends ever since. I love her to death, and I come to her with everything. Advice, stories, rants, you name it, she's there. I never laugh harder than I do with her, and I don't know what I would do without her. We have the type of friendship where we can go a week without talking and pick up where we left off like we'd been talking the whole time. I don't see her much anymore because of school and work, but I'm still closer with her than I am with any of my other friends, and I'm so thankful for that. I know I'm not the greatest friend a person could ask for, but she sticks around nonetheless.

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